6 Costs

Our goal is to keep costs modest, so that cost is not an inhibiting factor for attendance.

The venue [Location] is being provided for free by Brown.

There will be a registration fee to pay for incidental expenses (such as additional cleaning) and food, but these will be kept as low as possible.

Due to its location, it is easy to combine a trip to SNAPL with visits to several other locations. On the academic side, the US’s Northeast Corridor has numerous world-class universities and research labs, all within at most a few hours’ trip (most entirely by public transit). On the personal side, it’s easy to get from Providence to Boston, Cape Cod, Newport, and several other tourist destinations. Therefore, it’s possible to combine a trip to SNAPL with other visits, getting more value from your trip.

We will obtain a block rate at a reasonable hotel. Furthermore, because the venue is not also hosted at the hotel, there will be no pressure to “fill the block”: guests can stay where they like, whether at nicer hotels, hotels in their preferred chains, AirBnBs, or with a friend. We do recommend staying in the Providence area, to minimize commuting, but in principle one could also stay in the Boston area and commute down. We do ask that participants attend all scheduled events.