May 7-10, 2017 Asilomar, California
The Summit oN Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL) is a biennial venue for discussions about programming languages. SNAPL focuses on experience-based insight, innovation, and visionary ideas spanning from foundations to applications of programming languages. We welcome perspectives from both industry and academia.
SNAPL complements existing conferences by emphasizing discussion. Each SNAPL talk will be followed by a two-minute round table discussion leading to a plenary Q&A session. A good SNAPL contribution is thus equal part an insightful paper and equal part an engaging talk.
SNAPL 2017 will be held in the Asilomar Conference Grounds on the Pacific Ocean just south of Monterey, CA.
Submission deadline: January 6, 2017 (11.59pm Anywhere On Earth)
Decisions announced: February 24, 2017
Final versions due: March 24, 2017
Conference: May 7-10, 2017
The proceedings volume of SNAPL 2017 as volume 71 of LIPIcs is now officially published and available at: